Easy Recreational Activities Examples

By | July 13, 2023

Easy Recreational Activities Examples – By: Samantha Fawkner 1 (corresponding author) @s_fawkner, Ailsa Niven 1 @AilsaNiven, Steven Hanson 2 @SteveFloatBoat, Chloë Williamson 1 @Chlobobs_ and Coral L Hanson 3 @HansonCoral,

Covid-19 presents many challenges and concerns. For parents and guardians of school-age (young) children, everyday life is barely recognizable. We try to balance work, life and school from home while trying to keep everyone happy. The benefits of physical activity for young people are widely known and during COVID-19 it is very important to move more and sit less to help families maintain physical and mental health. Being confined at home means that young people who are used to P.E., after school, active trips, organized sports and outdoor games have to find a “new normal”. Screen use, which has been largely sedentary, is likely to increase due to the shift to online education, entertainment and “babysitting” services for overburdened parents.

Easy Recreational Activities Examples

Easy Recreational Activities Examples

In this blog we focus on why encouraging our children to move more and sit less (if they can) is a priority in these challenging times. We deliberately focus on being in; although if the guidelines allow it, going out is also useful.

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Young people should ideally accumulate 60 minutes of at least moderate intensity activity per day; this can involve many short bouts of physical activity of varying intensities. During the week, activities should include some that stress the muscles and bones (like yoga and jumping jacks) and some that help promote movement skills (including balance, coordination and body awareness). These guidelines are based on evidence that more active young people have better health outcomes, including cardiovascular and bone health, muscle fitness and body weight.[1] There is also evidence that increased physical activity is associated with better mental health, improved cognitive (mental) function, aspects of self-esteem and reduced symptoms of depression in young people. a bout of activity can include reduced anxiety and a “feel good” effect.[1]

Although there is limited evidence of the benefits of specific home activities for young people, any activity that gets your child moving is beneficial. Activity ideas include playing traditional indoor playground games (eg, hide and seek, tag, skip), dancing to music, and being creative (eg, building an obstacle course, playing balloon volleyball, making an action movie, or learning to juggle). Check out age-appropriate online activity programs like The Body Coach. Yoga has a number of positive benefits for young people and anyone can do it at home. Try Cosmic Kids or The Yoga Crow. A number of organizations offer ideas for activities at home (eg Active Schools, Change for Life and SportEngland). Try several different activities and rotate them to keep young people engaged. Although 60 minutes a day is ideal, it may not always be possible. Just remember that any opportunity to move more and sit less is a good one.

Physical activity (whether done regularly or just once) can help young people with cognitive function and attention span. focus on your work. In addition to the suggestions above, GoNoodle offers a number of short fun holidays for primary school children.

Combining physical activity with learning has cognitive benefits [6] and is fun, especially for younger children. Turn ‘Simon says’ into a ‘Simon says jump 4+5 times’ math game. Do the activity (jump, burpee, etc.) as many times as shown on the pair of dice or playing card. Count how many times you can hit the balloon between you. Ask your child to spell the word and find objects in the house that start with each letter as quickly as possible. The possibilities are endless.

Recreational Activities To Boost Creativity Levels

Prolonged sitting (especially when using screens) is associated with poor physical and mental health in young people. [7, 8]  If possible, regularly breaking up sitting with short periods of movement will help, as will replacing sedentary play with active play [9] ] In a school setting, young people are happy to be able to work for shorter periods while standing rather than sitting.[10] Try making a makeshift standing desk that the whole family can use.

Recent research provides guidance on how to create the best motivational environment to increase physical activity and mental well-being.[11-13] It is not rocket science to realize that young people will be more motivated to engage in fun and enjoyable activities. Focus on the 3Cs of Competence, Control and Connectivity.

Competence; we are motivated to engage in activities that we believe we can and enjoy. 1) Try to choose activities for the youth that are achievable but also challenging (if they are too easy, ask them:

Easy Recreational Activities Examples

3) Encourage your child to set achievable goals and keep a journal so you can track progress. We don’t know much about the value of young people using wearables and apps to track physical activity, but if you have them, they could be a way for your child to set and track goals. Remember to be realistic about your current circumstances; unrealistic goals are unattainable and demotivating.

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Management; it’s about involving your children in decision-making and providing them with choices. Let your children choose which activity to do (give them up to four options), when and with whom. Be creative and include diversity (links above will help). Try a “kids in charge” session! A sense of control can be strengthened by giving a reason for being active (focusing on immediate positive outcomes – “

Connectivity; it refers to feeling supported and connected to others. For some young people this could be achieved by parents/carers being active with them in a way that helps them feel competent and in control (see above). Engagement and fun model positive behavior and provide a focus for family time. Some young people will find it helpful to connect with a peer group through activities (eg online or over the phone).

The 3Cs provide guidance, but no parent or guardian will be able to follow them 100% of the time, and that’s okay. (https://selfdeterminationtheory.org/parenting/). It is especially important to be kind to yourself during this period. Many of us are anxious and emotional (as are our children). Sometimes it’s not the right time – so don’t force it. Try again another time.

We hope this helps you keep our children active during this challenging time. We relied on the latest scientific evidence and our experience as parents. Be safe and be active whenever you can.

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Samantha Fawkner 1 (corresponding author) @s_fawkner, Ailsa Niven 1 @AilsaNiven, Steven Hanson 2 @SteveFloatBoat, Chloë Williamson 1 @Chlobobs_ and Coral L Hanson 3 @HansonCoral,

1 Center for Physical Activity Research for Health, Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Email: [email protected] 2 Floating Boat Design Solutions, Stocksfield, UK 3 School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus, Edinburgh, EH11 4DN, UK.

Websites and YouTube links are provided for illustrative purposes. Dr. Fawkner has an ongoing professional relationship with The Yoga Crow. The authors have no connection with any of the mentioned organizations or companies and cannot directly comment on the promoted activities.

Easy Recreational Activities Examples

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It’s clearly a lifelong skill that you can spend many hours perfecting without a job. Archery is relatively inexpensive as a hobby. There are many little things to learn about archery.

For example, understanding the use of bow discharge for accuracy is a skill that takes a long time to learn. The good news is that you can always create different training conditions by participating in different competitions based on your skill level.

Archery is also a great way to keep fit. There are many archers who have strong back, shoulders and core muscles. This is due to the discipline of archery and the need to engage all muscles for a perfect shot.

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