Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

By | February 26, 2023

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas – Confinement or not, the hubs and I have been doing night in (aka home-date nights) for a while now (parenting stuff). So we are no strangers to date night inside.

Our typical Friday night at home-days include putting our little one to bed early, lighting the fire, opening a bottle of wine, throwing our favorite Trader Joe’s pizza in the oven, and watching a good movie on TV (this time. enjoying all the delicious goodness, of course, dessert included !).

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

But we live in strange times and as social distancing and isolation continue for longer periods of time, many couples are finding themselves spending more time together. And most of these couples have never been to any home dates, at least not until now!

Fun Winter Date Ideas Sure To Keep You Warm

Although it is important to make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to recharge, you may also find that your ‘date nights’ have turned only to ‘Netflix and lying in bed’, or worse, have completely disappeared.

And suddenly, these everyday nights are no longer limited to Friday nights only, and ‘Netflix and Chill’ doesn’t work anymore either (don’t you already do that every day every day!? ;)).

Just because you’re single (or have kids, or have a tight budget), there’s no reason to stop dating!

Now more than ever, it’s important to date your partner, keep that spark alive (especially if you’re in each other’s faces 24/7), connect with them on a deep level, and rekindle those feelings of love.

Romantic Couples Gift

So, take a shower, wash your hair, and put on your cute leggings (bold lips are a bonus!), and get creative with your at-home ideas for a night out, we’re here to help…

You may be stuck at home but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a trip together. Bring out your old photos and videos (along with some cheapsakes), talk, laugh, cry, argue and reminisce about your time together – from your first meeting to now.

The fact that you can’t travel right now doesn’t mean you can’t explore the world, you still can. Use these many resources and travel from home tips and go on (many) real vacations (costing ‘0’ dollars).

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

Take out the board games that have been gathering dust and put them to good use, now is the perfect time for it! If board games aren’t your thing then get creative with card games, maybe learn a new card game or two, and make some money from your partner while you’re at it ?

Backyard Date Night Fun

Write a special love letter to your partner. One that he can hold on to for life because true colors are a rare treasure. And read each other’s love letters out loud. Maybe even learn a new language together and express love in that new language.

Picnic in style, but in your living room (or maybe your backyard, if you have one and the weather cooperates). Take out take out and have a candlelit dinner, complete with romantic music and great conversation.

Turn on your stove, grab a cup of cocoa, and read a book out loud. But if you are both into different genres then you can read your favorite books next to each other. Or host your own book club and discuss your favorite books.

But if reading isn’t your thing then there’s no shortage of podcasts (and audiobooks) to suit your tastes and moods. From funny to inspirational to everything in between, get into the habit of listening to podcasts together. Here’s a great list to get you started.

Best Romantic Evening Ideas For At Home Or A Night Out

I mean, when was the last time you actually had time for a bubble bath, let alone together? But now you have no excuses – turn down the lights, turn up the music, and get in the tub with a double blowout in hand.

Why not stop at the bubble bath!? Give each other messages and pamper/spoil yourself, after all, you all deserve it! Get out the essential oils, nourishing creams and go (dim lights and romantic music already got the party started anyway).

Choose a theme – Mexican, Italian, etc. and go all out. From wearing real clothes (or changing clothes) to food to TV shows to books to movies, choose a theme you like and create a fun (theme night) at home and enjoy yourself.

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

Again, when was the last time you had a lazy morning and enjoyed something delicious in bed? (I mean, food ;)). Either prepare everything for breakfast the night before or just order-in and have breakfast in bed. Finish watching a rom-com in bed, and mimosas are always welcome!

Fun Virtual Date Night Ideas For Quarantine In 2023

I’m sure one of you is a huge video game fan. But how many times have you played together? So now is the time, find something you both enjoy and play online together. I remember the good ol’ XBOX, WII, PS4 days. Find out for yourself – a hunter in the garage, dust, and put them to use, now is the time!

Try your hand at adult jigsaw puzzles, you can try playing online. Our inspo for this will always be our two year old and his love of puzzles. Doing puzzles together is a lot of fun, or maybe even competitive.

I mean, it doesn’t get much love than this! In our house we are playing more than before, because of our child. Going to your favorite songs and/or learning some new dances and moves while still being fun, exciting and uber-romantic!

Now more than ever it is important to take your mental health seriously and practice mindfulness. So why not do it together? After all, you now (hopefully) have the time. Create a corner of relaxation and calm in your home and practice meditation together.

Best Indoor Date Night Ideas

Yes, there is such a thing as a couple’s book (if there isn’t one now is the time to really make one ;)). Put all those travel memories, cheapsakes, postcards, etc. to good use and make a collage or put together a scrapbook.

Learning new things about your partner is part of the fun in a relationship. Take character quizzes and find out new things about each other. The five love languages ​​quiz, Enneagram, etc. are not only fun but also help you strengthen your relationship further.

Alone or not, one of our favorite things to do is reflect and review the past year together. In the busyness of life, we tend to forget and forget what all happened in the past 365 days, so this is a good time to review your past highs and lows and plan for the next 360 days.

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

Most people tend to make their own message boards, but how fun would it be to make a message board together as a husband and wife!? This also helps you learn new things about your partner, understand expectations, and create similar relationship goals for yourself.

Date Night Ideas For Winter That Are Romantic And Fun

Except, I’m now calling it a post-quarantine list haha. With a new appreciation for life (and all the things we once took for granted), our new bucket list may look very different from our old bucket list. So discuss and create your new bucket list (specifically for travel and/or life in general).

Now, you may all be great artists or you may both suck at it (hey, everyone has their talents), but that shouldn’t stop you from creating. Put on your old tee (I know, so not the definition of going out on a date, but this one is different), get out the paint colors and get artsy – paint each other’s tee (now tell me if that’s not romantic!? ) Or you can just stick to letting your creativity flow on paper.

It may be years before you can get out and camp in the woods again, but that shouldn’t stop you from camping. Bring a tent, sleeping bags, and pillows to your living room, and complete the setup with a starry night ceiling projection and desert sounds/music playing in the background.

Haha sure, there is no shortage of that! Whether it’s painting the walls, changing the light fixtures or taking up gardening, there are always several home improvement projects that require your time and attention. Just this time, step up your game and make a day out of it!

Fun And Romantic Late Night Date Ideas

But if home projects are too much work then get creative and crafty in other ways – make a candle, put together a gallery wall, etc. The options are endless (no matter what you choose, a drink in hand is a must though! )

And yes, I’m saying movies because movie marathons aren’t like Friday night movie dates or Netflix and Chill. A movie (or TV show marathon) is re-watching your favorite and making a day out of it!

Each of you comes up with a set of questions and learns more about each other. This can be fun and quirky or deep and purposeful,

Fun Couple Date Night Ideas

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