Fun Questions For Team Meetings

By | February 26, 2023

Fun Questions For Team Meetings – Finding commonalities with a whole new group of people with fresh name tags stuck to their lapels can be a real challenge, which is why fun facts or ice breakers are the perfect ways to get people talking, laughing and connecting.

Icebreaker questions are more than small talk. With the world of work becoming increasingly virtual, a handful of ice breaker questions or a few virtual team building activities can really make a difference.

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

The purpose of ice breaker questions is to loosen up a group of people – so they can comfortably talk to each other. Because we’re all about expanding our soft skill sets, like communication, we decided to put together a list of icebreaker questions—and we got a little carried away.

Virtual Games To Play On Microsoft Teams With Coworkers

Engage your audience at your next meeting, networking event, or family gathering by preparing a few icebreaker questions to get conversations going!

As there are a lot of illegal questioning, make sure you don’t cross any dangerous lines. Questions about age, gender, religion or race are illegal.

Make sure your ice breaker questions are not inappropriate in an interview setting. When in doubt, stay away from ice breaker questions during an interview.

Whether you know every member of your team or you’ve never met in real life, virtual icebreaker questions can give your team that “water cooler” effect that you miss when you work remotely or from home.

Valentine’s Day Team Building Ideas, Games & Activities

Especially if you haven’t been to a concert in years, it can be a nostalgic boost to look back on your first live show, the states you’ve visited (and, yes, we think airports count), or the scariest ride you are.’ have ever been

You can ask these questions at the beginning of a meeting, as icebreakers for new team members, or even as part of your team’s “about us” page.

This next group of icebreaker questions brings it back to your childhood, your formative years, and what makes you who you are.

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

Like, which celebrity shares your birthday? Have you ever wondered if you like surprises or if a surprise party would be your worst nightmare? Do you believe in aliens? Are you dying to know if Ron from accounting has seen a UFO or not?

Great Questions For The Team To Reflect On The Past Year

Unlike more surface-level ice-breaker questions, these require deeper thought and consideration—and they may end up revealing some fun things about yourself and your colleagues.

Pro Tip: Write these out, put them in a jar and open one at the top of a meeting.

These icebreaker questions may seem easy, but they can be difficult to answer – that’s what we think makes them fun! It can be difficult to narrow down your favorite television shows or your favorite cereals.

​​​​​​However, if you learn that you and your boss are huge Dorinda Medley fans (bring her back!), you will be forever connected. We do want to add one note of caution. The dog person vs. cat person debate can get pretty heated, so keep it respectful 🙂

Practical Team Building Activities That Are Actually Effective

The nice thing about “this or that” icebreaker questions is that you can also adapt them to your workplace.

For example, which customer do you want to deal with the most? Which social media platform is your favorite? What is your favorite team lunch?

Prepare to go deep. These philosophical ice breaker questions are bound to be blunt and cause some real conversation. Because of their nature, these icebreaker questions are probably better suited for a workplace happy hour, a team retreat, or for a small group of colleagues who have the time to potentially dive into deep conversation.

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

Do you have great icebreaker questions you’d like to use? Let us know and we’ll add them to the list!

Remote Team Building And Collaboration Platform

We’ve all fantasized about plotting a dramatic exit from a horrible job, right? Here’s the question: Is stopping rage ever good or will it ruin your reputation?

After the interview, it’s time to write a follow-up. Here’s how to impress your hiring manager or interviewer with the perfect follow-up message—and yes, we’ve created templates.

How you define success can show the interviewers what you value. Follow these steps to prepare your answer + view these sample answers.

LinkedIn is a behemoth of a tool—so much so that it can be difficult to navigate all the features, tricks, and hacks it has to offer. Make sure you have the best LinkedIn cover photo and much, much more.

Icebreaker Games To Help Your Team Build Authentic Connections

Nervous about your employer running a background check? Here’s what background checks screen for, how to prepare for one, and how to talk about your past with a potential new employer.

Laid off and need to stay positive and motivated during your job search? These ideas for life after discharge can help.

Make your job search easier than ever with these 8 hacks on how to find a job using the latest and greatest job search tactics.

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

As a driven career woman, sometimes you have to go outside your network to find what you want professionally. Cue cold emailing.

Free Online Team Building Games For Remote Teams

Adjectives, nouns and action verbs, oh my! Next time you pick up your resume, here’s a great list of resume words to color your resume—and some to avoid.

By clicking “submit” you agree to receive emails from Career Contessa and accept our terms of use and web privacy policy. This October freebie is multi-use. You can use it to strengthen your classroom community, build oral communication skills, or as October writing prompts.

Teachers tend to spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year on team building and ice breaker activities, knowing that having a positive classroom environment is essential for learning. Once attention turns to academics, however, promoting a safe environment in your 3

However, focusing on team building and relationships throughout the school year is important. As the school year progresses, your students will begin to form cliques. You get new students. Some students may bully others. All kinds of things will happen that will change the dynamics in your classroom. It is essential to focus time on team building throughout the year.

Daily Huddle Template

Fortunately, there are ways to prioritize a positive classroom environment and practice various academic skills at the same time.

You can get this freebie here – but read on for ideas and tips on using this in your classroom!

Facilitating positive conversations among students is one of my favorite ways to build team throughout the school year. When students can talk to each other and find commonalities, relationships strengthen.

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

These free October team builder conversation cards and writing prompts are a fun, no-prep way to do this. They have October themed questions that help students talk to each other in a safe and fun way.

Icebreaker Questions To Start Your Next Team Meeting

You can download these cards for free at my TPT store here. If this resource is helpful to you, follow me on TPT to get updates on new freebies and sales!

If you​​​​like October themed cards, you will love these team builders and writing requests all year long. It includes question cards to facilitate back-to-school conversations, end-of-year reflection, and each month in between (September – May) for a total of 264 question cards and writing prompts.

One teacher said, “These have been great conversation starters for my morning meetings! I love how I can find topics that are relevant to what’s going on at the time, like holidays and seasons.

Another teacher said, “I love that you have something unique for each month.  My students enjoy discussing the questions and I’m happy to oblige when it’s all ready for me!”

Fun Icebreaker Games For Meetings (in Person And Virtual Meetings)

You may also like these higher level thinking questions to use when teaching a variety of reading skills. Microsoft Teams games are games, competitions and puzzles playable on the Microsoft Teams platform. For example: Trivia, Guess Who, and Scavenger Hunts. These games use the platform’s features such as video, chat and white boards to engage remote workers and facilitate virtual team bonding during online meetings and conference calls. These activities are also called “MS Teams games”.

These games are a subset of video conferencing games, virtual team games, and virtual meeting games, and are similar to Zoom games, Webex games, and Google Meet games.

From Guess Who to scavenger hunt to truth or dare, here is a list of fun games to play on Microsoft Teams.

Fun Questions For Team Meetings

Gameplay for a game of Bingo via Microsoft Teams is simple. First distribute game boards to participants. Next, decide whether you want to play for a single meeting, or over a string of meetings. Whenever they observe a named behavior in a meeting, teammates will mark a square with the offending employee’s name.

Icebreaker Games For Remote Teams To Build Better Connect — Peoplebox

This game drives focus during meetings as attendees will pay close attention to their peers in hopes of scoring pitches.

If your​​​​​​colleagues master this version, check out Remote Work Bingo, which focuses on working from home.

Espionage! is a fully hosted virtual team building game that you can play on Microsoft Teams. The game uses elements of puzzle solving and social deduction to challenge your colleagues to work together. The game is spy-themed, which is a fun and engaging way to bring your people together.

The game is 90 minutes, and led by an experienced and engaging event host.

Icebreaker Games To Warm Up

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