How To Make Meetings More Fun

By | February 14, 2023

How To Make Meetings More Fun – If your team is afraid to attend meetings, it means they are poorly managed. Meetings can actually be fun if they are properly thought out and planned. Boring meetings are often a waste of time and therefore hinder your team’s productivity. The ineffectiveness of your meetings can and should be changed so that you and your team actually look forward to gathering together to share ideas, information, and innovation. Research actually shows that team building interventions are effective and have a positive effect on team members’ perceptions and attitudes (Tannenbaum et al., 1992). In a recent article on teamwork effectiveness and the importance of team relationships, psychologist Steve Kozlowski shares:

“Teams are at the core of how things get done in business, medicine, science, the military, and sports—almost all human activity. On any given day, each of us interacts with teams to get things done at work. deliver. When shopping for food, seeking medical care, or flying across the world, we engage with other teams (at their workplaces). People who collaborate and work together on mundane tasks (i.e. buying a fast-food burger Food) to the amazing feats (i.e. sending astronauts into orbit) that characterize modern life.” 205

How To Make Meetings More Fun

How To Make Meetings More Fun

It’s here to guide you on how to bring your team closer together by making meetings fun again. Here, we give you more interaction and dare I say it

Engaging Team Meeting Ideas And Activities To Start Your Day

Exercises to include in team discussions. Read on to learn how to encourage creativity, engage team members, and create an environment that fosters collaboration. Without further adieu, here’s how to make sessions fun while using:

Icebreakers are a great way to open a meeting, especially for remote teams. There are a variety of icebreaker activities, but what they all have in common is that they make everyone feel comfortable, engaged, and involved. A good ice breaker is usually a question or an activity. When you’re short on time, try using icebreaker questions for virtual meetings, and when you’re not in a rush, use the latter.

Show and tell is not just for children. It encourages people to show their personality and the things that matter to them! Whether your colleagues want to talk about work or their hobbies, this is a great opportunity for people to work on their presentation skills in a creative way. If you are short on time, consider one person meeting each week. It provides a great opportunity to get to know each other better and fosters stronger interpersonal relationships with a means to communicate about non-work related things. Often, we don’t even know what people do outside the office! Getting to know each other on a more personal level creates a more genuine relationship.

If your team may not be as eager to participate in activities or games, organize your meeting in a more creative way that includes everyone. Let people have certain parts of the meeting, but let them know in advance. That way, you don’t have to listen to your voice during the session! If you feel you may need to cover the entire meeting, consider timekeeper or note taker roles. It promotes interaction and is a great opportunity for people at all levels to contribute in more administrative roles.

How To Make Your Meetings Fun And Engaging

Celebrate the victory of the team! It’s important to highlight your team’s accomplishments and show your colleagues that their contributions are valuable to the organization. With praise, you encourage your team to continue to perform at a high standard and encourage them to want to achieve goals and milestones. This doesn’t necessarily mean praising the individual (although there’s nothing wrong with congratulating them properly!) as it often takes collaboration to achieve goals. Be specific about the team’s wins, review and emphasis on metrics. This is also a good opportunity to talk about the next milestones you are collectively working towards.

Assign a section of the agenda for people to add shout-outs to their colleagues (ie thanking people for their help that week). Yelling is a great way to boost team spirit and encourage cooperation. It’s important to make team members feel seen and heard (especially from a remote environment), as they may not understand the weight of their impact and efforts. It’s another way to encourage team members to continue to strive to outdo their colleagues, better communication, more collaboration, and overall fostering better relationships in the workplace.

For completely remote teams, playing an online game is a great way to get everyone involved and focused on something a little lighter than the usual corporate discussions. Trivia games like Kahoot are a great option to engage the team, get people to work together, and have fun. There are many options to choose from and you can even have your team members take turns choosing a game they may have already tried and enjoyed. Many games actually encourage us to use skills that are valuable at work, such as critical thinking abilities, creativity, strategizing, and attention to detail. This is a great opportunity for team members to use their different and unique skills to come together in a fun but somewhat competitive environment.

How To Make Meetings More Fun

We attend a lot of meetings, so wherever we can, we can make them more fun and enjoyable for everyone. Boring meetings can no longer exist – we have many tools and technologies at our disposal to engage our teams in more effective and fun ways. Teamwork, such as the practices we have presented in this paper, leads to improved organizational performance in terms of efficiency and quality (Klein et al., 2009). Watch your team improve as you implement these best practices for more fun meetings.

Microsoft Adds Minesweeper And Solitaire To Teams To Make Virtual Meetings More Fun

Since many of us work remotely, it is especially important for us to participate in team building or bonding opportunities with our team members. There is nothing wrong with working independently or individually, but the fact is that if we were in an office, we would be much more involved with each other. Collaboration is important – listening to and understanding alternative approaches, perspectives and viewpoints enriches our understanding and provides valuable learning opportunities. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to share it with a friend or colleague. As always, nice to see you on the blog. till next time!

Keith Dagger (H.Dip Psychology and B.A.) has a background in corporate management and consulting and has worked in government, sales and corporate finance. Keith is fascinated by how our physical environment affects our thoughts, behaviors, actions and well-being. She is a certified yoga teacher, a passionate writer and traveler. ? Start 2023 off right by learning from engineering leaders at GitHub, Netflix, Hashicorp, and more! ? Claim your spot now

Most people would not describe their staff meetings as exciting. After all, they are just another part of the routine.

However, the lack of interaction can really cause problems over time. If team members work on autopilot during meetings, they may tune out important information. More importantly, they are less likely to talk. Another benefit of holding great staff meetings is that it can encourage a more transparent and open work culture.

Team Meeting Ideas To Keep Employees Engaged

This means you don’t get organizational insights that only your employees can see. You also lose the creative energy that helps the business thrive. To correct this problem, you need engaging team meetings that encourage participants to interact.

If you’re ready to increase the energy in your team meetings, you’ve come to the right place. Here are our tips on how to make staff meetings more engaging, both in-person and via Zoom.

For meetings that are more fun, it’s helpful to invite team members to participate. To that end, make sure you send out a good staff meeting agenda ahead of time. Ask for feedback on the agenda before the meeting. This sets an interactive tone before the meeting even begins.

How To Make Meetings More Fun

Start and end your staff meetings with interactive announcements and you’re on the right track. Be attentive and present to guide the room and mood during the meeting.

Ice Breakers For Virtual Meetings

Luckily, all of these great meeting ideas work just as well on Zoom. However, if your Zoom meetings need more help, we’ve got you covered.

Now that we often meet virtually, we also need fun ideas for Zoom meetings. Your staff meetings shouldn’t suffer from low participation just because you’re working remotely.

If there’s one common theme when it comes to employee engagement meetings, it’s that the right tools make all the difference. At , we provide tools that simplify agenda sharing, note taking, managing action items and more. This allows you to focus on the most important things during your meetings.

7 Agenda Templates to Use in Your Next Weekly Team Meeting (Free Download) 3MIN A few tips and templates for better weekly meetings. Download and use these agenda templates

How To Make Staff Meetings Way More Engaging [fun Meeting Hacks]

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