Travel Destination Calculator

By | August 31, 2023

Travel Destination Calculator – A new budget website has been launched which aims to help travelers evaluate the best places to visit around the world based on their specific budget and set of needs.

Earth Awaits is a free online tool that allows users to enter their desired monthly budget and correlate it with other factors such as their desired lifestyle, crime rate, pollution and the desired part of the world they wish to visit. It then calculates a list of possibilities, providing insight into things like weather per month and different types of accommodation. The tool also has advanced options to let people search for destinations based on primary language, minimum quality of life, and racial discrimination data. After the results, the website links the user to further reading options on the chosen destination.

Travel Destination Calculator

Travel Destination Calculator

The results can be viewed in an easy-to-follow map view, as well as a grid view with more information.

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The site was created by a husband and wife team from the San Francisco Bay Area who met through a shared love of travel. Having visited a number of exotic locations over the years, they’ve learned how far a budget can go in different destinations. “I started working at Land of the Check after talking to my father-in-law about his retirement fund. He said his savings would allow him to spend a little over $2,000 a month and my mind immediately exploded with all the locations in the world where that amount of money would allow for a spectacular lifestyle,” he told Lonely Planet Robert, creator of The Earth Awaits News . .

After that initial conversation, The Land of Checks was created and soon evolved into a useful tool to help people around the world plan their next trip. Use information from trusted sources such as Numbeo, the United Nations, Freedom House and GeoNames to compile your proposal. The website is aimed at long-haul travellers, gap year students, retirees and anyone looking for a short break.

“I announced the place and it took off like wildfire, showing how many people in the world crave an overseas adventure,” Robert said. To calculate your next trip, you can consult the handy tool on The Earth Awaits website. Offer your customers the possibility to calculate and offset their carbon footprint, right on your website. Our built-in carbon footprint calculator is free and designed specifically for high-carbon travel activities like flying, driving and cruising.

Use our iFrame generator to create and customize your own calculator. Adjust the color scheme to match your branding and choose the sections you want to display.

This Travel Budget Calculator Matches You With Your Next Destination

Your customers will be able to use your calculator to calculate their travel emissions and purchase offsets from Sustainable Travel International.

Purchasing carbon offsets supports proven carbon reduction projects that conserve forests, produce clean energy, support communities and more.

Get your calculator up and running in minutes. Simply use our iFrame generator to create a calculator that can be embedded into any page of your website.

Travel Destination Calculator

The calculator uses the latest methodologies to calculate emissions from flights, vehicles, cruises, private jets and boat trips.

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After calculating their carbon footprint, users can purchase carbon offsets from Sustainable Travel International to offset their footprint.

Quickly customize your calculator without writing code. Change the color scheme and choose which travel activities you want to display.

Users can rest assured that their transactions are secure. All payments are processed through PCI compliant payment gateways including Stripe and PayPal.

The calculator is fast, which means it adjusts to any screen size. This allows users to easily restore their fingerprint while on the go.

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Purchasing carbon offsets supports proven carbon reduction projects that conserve forests, produce clean energy, and support local communities.

Customers who purchase carbon offsets will receive a personalized certificate that includes their name along with the amount of CO2 they are offsetting. Based on industry research, a reasonable budget for an incentive travel program is $6,000 per person for 4-5 nights in North America. For specifics, a $6,000 budget would include the following:

The most recent, high-quality survey found the average cost of an incentive travel program was $5,193 per person (according to the inaugural IRF/SITE/FICP incentive travel index). This joint study by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE), and the Finance and Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP) was the most comprehensive study of the incentive travel market. The large survey size provided reliable benchmarks for 2018 and 2019. Then the COVID years of 2020 and 2021 muddied the numbers. And “holiday inflation” in 2022 increased airfares by 30%, hotels by 20%, and food by 10%. Therefore, Brightspot recommends $6,000 per person for incentive travel in 2023 and 2024.

Travel Destination Calculator

In two “landmark studies” of top-performing companies, IRF Research reported that top sales organizations invested in their top companies as follows.

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The $5,193 average price is likely lower due to shorter trips within the continental US48. For example, 3 nights in Las Vegas for a call center incentive trip or a high performance trip for retail store managers. Alternatively, the financial services industry (including insurance companies and financial advisory firms) is known for high-end travel to recognize their top performers. Tech companies, which have the highest average cost, are often global organizations with travelers from Asia, Europe and North America, which drives up the cost of airline tickets. Thus, Brightspot believes the $5,193 average price was the best budget in the middle of the road.

Incentive travel varies greatly depending on CEO preferences, destinations, trips included, number of nights stayed, and overall quality. Here are the main cost factors and quick comments.

The common conclusion of every new IRF and SITE study is this recurring trend: “get more budget.” In the last three annual studies, companies have increased per capita spending by about +5%. In 2022, “holiday inflation” soared after the Covid lockdowns led to revenge travel with a rapid increase in demand for incentive group travel and an even more significant increase in consumer travel. Travel inflation has risen to 30% for airline tickets, 20% for hotels and 10% for restaurants.

Creating challenges for incentive planners, recent studies have reported that planners believe their travel costs are growing faster than budgets, putting them in a difficult position when bargains are increasingly difficult to find in a strong market for hoteliers.

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Pro tip: walk into the CFO’s office with these studies in hand, slam your fist on your desk and shout “our trip to the club needs 20% more budget!”

The Brightspot website has one of the best travel rating tools out there. This interactive price calculator allows the user to select the destination, number of nights, hotel star rating, meals included, number of activities and gift value of the room. Here you are! A little website magic pops up and an estimated budget per person is calculated. Upload your winning number and a helpful tool gives you the result of your total investment. Theorize your next incentive trip at your convenience!

If your incentive travel group is more than 40 people (20 qualifiers and 20 guests), an incentive travel agency can save you money, add creativity, avoid common mistakes, free up internal management, and add seamless service.

Travel Destination Calculator

Most companies wonder if hiring an incentive travel company is more expensive, but find that it is “zero net cost”. They learn that agency fees of 15%-20% are offset by savings from lower hotel rates; local partnerships with discounts on transport, activities and restaurants; and avoiding hidden upfront costs.

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Mike wears many hats. President of Brightspot, author of 12.5 Steps to the Perfect Incentive Program, former president of the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), and recognized as one of the 25 most influential people in the incentive industry. His experience includes listed incentive travel, motivational incentive program design, matching event objectives with the perfect destination and hotel, savings strategies, global channel rewards programs, and targeted communications. Mike maintains his certifications in many specialties, including Certified Meeting Professional (CMP), Certified Incentive Travel Professional (CITP), and Incentive Professional (IP).