Travel Guidelines Germany

By | April 5, 2023

Travel Guidelines Germany – It is important for all members of the 7ATC military community to understand the regulatory environment during this period as vaccines become more widely available.

Everyone is responsible for understanding and complying with these rules. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to know and comply with the laws of the Host Nation. Many members of our community have been fined, often with large fines, for violating the COVID protection laws.

Travel Guidelines Germany

Travel Guidelines Germany

Read the full order and addendum on the 7ATC Army Training Command page, HERE (under their COVID-19 heading).

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Not mandatory. First, we hope to show our community the same respect, discipline and professionalism that they have shown so far. It is ultimately about protecting our own lives and those of our partners and neighbors in Germany. If we fail to strictly comply with Bavarian law and General Order No. 1, we may have to reimpose restrictions.

Second, changing our situation is based on data and science. We closely monitor the rate of spread of infection (“R-0 rate”), as well as the total number of cases, the availability of hospital care, and other measures of the environment. If these trends show that infection rates are increasing, the only right thing to do is to return to a defensive position. This is the part we cannot control.

As of January 25, 2022, the two charts below show the official travel restrictions on the 7ATC SRO.

ROM is a general term for restricting the movement of an individual or group to prevent or reduce the spread of an infectious disease. Military personnel posted under ROM are allowed to travel/come to work and attend medical check-ups, purchase essential food items, send mail, etc.

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*Note: This is not a leisure travel schedule. Please see USAG Bavaria’s Coronavirus FAQ page / Leisure Travel Guide tab.

Support is a complete command action that begins with an individual’s chain of command. We understand how difficult this situation is and want to minimize this problem as much as possible.

HPCON stands for “Health Status Levels”. Installation commanders use the HPCON system to select the appropriate response to a public health emergency or incident of public health concern. The framework identifies the uncertainty associated with these situations and provides options based on the scope and severity of the situation. Below is a brief description of each HPCON level.

Travel Guidelines Germany

Is a person with a SOFA stamp considered a permanent resident? (This applies to dependents who are currently out of the country and wish to return to their duty station).

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Community members with a SOFA stamp are not barred from entering Germany. They must also carry a copy of their sponsorship order, which names them as a dependent who is the sponsor of the order. However, as commercial carriers continue to restrict travel in response to COVID-19, those wishing to return to Germany should act as soon as possible before travel is no longer possible. It is always a good idea to carry a copy of your orders when traveling to and from Germany, as this will further strengthen your status in the host country.

Be sure to sign up for DoD Alert! Public notification system. The 7th Army Training Command issues a daily COVID assessment email that is distributed to anyone with a registered account. (Friendly note: Warning! NOT optional – this is a requirement of the Army Headquarters to be a registered user).

Rose Barracks (Vilseck) and Tower Barracks (Grafenwoehr) follow the same COVID-19 mitigation and security measures as these facilities are closely connected. As a precaution, the county with the highest number of cases will determine mitigation measures for both posts.

All members of the community are expected to follow social distancing guidelines. As for enforcement, screening teams are asking people to follow social distancing rules. Compliance is expected and failure to comply may result in expulsion, restriction or prohibition from Garrison facilities, or punishment under the UCMJ. The challenges posed by COVID-19 are new, and we are taking steps to adapt in response.

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Commanders at all levels are doing their best to carry out mission-critical tasks in light of the novel coronavirus threat. Each army has its own requirements and personnel; executives regularly evaluate how to continue operations while mitigating the risk of COVID-19. We still have work to do within the constraints imposed by the COVID-19 response. If someone is concerned about the safety of a particular practice, they should not hesitate to raise the issue directly up the chain of command.

If a family member, DoD civilian, contractor, or HN employee is quarantined and remains at their residence and misses work, will they be eligible for any financial compensation?

Mandatory ROM / quarantine days do not count as military or civilian leave. Financial compensation is determined on a case-by-case basis in close cooperation with the individual’s chain of command.

Travel Guidelines Germany

Typical symptoms of COVID-19 include, but are not limited to: temperature of 100° Fahrenheit or higher, night sweats or chills, persistent cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, and/or sore throat i.

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As always, if you are experiencing difficulty breathing or think you have a life-threatening condition, call 911 or report to the nearest emergency department.

What is a “close contact” and what should I do if I have been in close contact with someone who is positive for COVID-19?

If you have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider as described above and follow the instructions in the ROM Policy Chart (above) to find out what further steps to take.

If a family member is found to have been in “close contact” with a COVID-19 positive person, what does this mean for their family members?

Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions (faq) :: U.s. Army Garrison Bavaria

Close contacts of a person who is positive for COVID-19 are quarantined for 14 days from the date of infection. Close relations should be separated from the rest of the family. If this person does not develop symptoms, family members are not categorized or restricted. Family members should maintain separate residences as much as possible. While this doesn’t rule out all personal contact, limit proximity to at least 6 feet whenever possible. If a close contact begins to develop symptoms, he or she should also be quarantined.

The manual is the same for all army medical treatment facilities in Europe. Our MTFs screen patients according to Department of Defense and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. The initial admission screening at each MTF will consist of a questionnaire to determine if you have fever or symptoms. The test is based on four priorities:

These protocols will help your healthcare provider determine whether you should be tested for COVID-19.

Travel Guidelines Germany

The important thing to remember is that our providers do not treat COVID-19. They treat its symptoms. So whether you test positive or not doesn’t change the treatment you receive; it allows us to track where and how the virus is spreading and to isolate infected people. Our providers are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our beneficiaries.

Webinar: Update On Travel Restrictions

Note for Tricare beneficiaries: Out-of-post testing is covered only if requested by an out-of-post provider as part of the evaluation and treatment plan.

Service members, Department of the Army civilians, and their family members (by order), if required by law for official travel to or from OCONUS locations and not available through a federal agency, have a COVID-19 test the cost may be covered. dispensary. The cost of a COVID-19 test may be covered.

Read the Memorandum: Trial and Payment Pursuant to Official Travel to OCONUS Destinations for more information.

Yes. COVID-19 testing is being conducted in coordination with host public hospitals and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC). Test samples are sent to LRMC.

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Yes. USAG Bavaria on-post clinics offer antibody testing for COVID-19. Please call your local clinic. The operator will ask a series of questions to determine if you are eligible for an acute respiratory care (ARC) appointment.

Get your result through Tricare Online – ALL Active Duty, Family Members, GSCivilians and contractors can sign up for a Tricare Online account even if you don’t have Tricare insurance.

Due to the volume of COVID-19 testing at LRMC and the time required to process the results, it may take up to four days for test results to be reported. You can help us deliver your test results on time by making sure we have a valid email address and phone number where we can contact you.

Travel Guidelines Germany

If you have not been contacted within four days, you can also get your results by emailing the LRMC Public Health Nursing Team at . Please do not call the lab at LRMC. You can also access lab results in the Patient Portal at

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We appreciate your patience and will do our best to provide results as soon as possible.

Non-TRICARE residents should contact their primary care provider for COVID-19 testing. Not TRICARE

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